NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Full Course Video Lectures with Manojavam Classes

NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Full Course Video Lectures with Manojavam Classes


**NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit**, there is **one main textbook** and an **additional grammar book**:  

1. **शेमुषी – भाग 2 (Shemushi – Part 2)** *(Main Sanskrit Textbook)*  

2. **व्याकरणवीथिः (Vyakaranavithi)** *(Sanskrit Grammar Book)*  

These books are part of the **CBSE syllabus** for Class 10 Sanskrit.  


## **1. शेमुषी – भाग 2 (Shemushi – Part 2)**

- **Publisher:** NCERT  

- **Writers:** NCERT Experts  

### **Chapters & Exercises:**

1. **प्रथमो अध्यायः – शुचिपर्यावरणम्** (Clean Environment)  

2. **द्वितीयो अध्यायः – बुद्धिर्बलवती सदा** (Wisdom is Always Powerful)  

3. **तृतीयो अध्यायः – व्यायामः सर्वदा पथ्यः** (Exercise is Always Beneficial)  

4. **चतुर्थो अध्यायः – शिशुलालनम्** (Child Care)  

5. **पञ्चमो अध्यायः – जननी तुल्यवत्सला** (A Mother is Always Affectionate)  

6. **षष्ठो अध्यायः – सुभाषितानि** (Wise Sayings)  

7. **सप्तमो अध्यायः – सौहार्दं प्रकृतेः शोभा** (Harmony is Nature’s Beauty)  

8. **अष्टमो अध्यायः – गङ्गा** (River Ganga)  

9. **नवमो अध्यायः – विष्णुः सर्वत्र पूज्यते** (Vishnu is Worshipped Everywhere)  

10. **दशमो अध्यायः – चित्रकथा** (Picture Story)  

11. **एकादशो अध्यायः – सन्धयः** (Sandhi Rules)  

12. **द्वादशो अध्यायः – उपसर्गाः** (Prefixes)  

13. **त्रयोदशो अध्यायः – प्रत्ययाः** (Suffixes)  

#### **Exercise Types:**

- **शब्दार्थ (Word Meanings)**  

- **प्रश्नोत्तर (Question-Answers)**  

- **वाक्य निर्माण (Sentence Formation)**  

- **व्याकरण (Grammar-Based Questions)**  

- **अनुवाद (Translation Exercises)**  


## **2. व्याकरणवीथिः (Vyakaranavithi – Sanskrit Grammar Book)**

This book focuses on **Sanskrit grammar** concepts like:  

1. **संस्कृत वर्णमाला (Sanskrit Alphabet & Pronunciation)**  

2. **संधि (Sandhi – Word Combination Rules)**  

3. **समास (Samasa – Compound Words)**  

4. **धातुरूप (Verb Conjugations)**  

5. **शब्दरूप (Noun Declensions)**  

6. **उपसर्ग-प्रत्यय (Prefixes & Suffixes)**  

7. **काल (Tenses – Present, Past, Future)**  

8. **कारक (Cases & Their Uses)**  

9. **वाच्य (Active, Passive, and Impersonal Voice)**  

10. **सर्वनाम (Pronouns – Personal, Demonstrative, etc.)**  

#### **Exercise Types:**

- Fill in the Blanks  

- Match the Columns  

- Sentence Transformation  

- Short & Long Answer Questions  

- Translation from Sanskrit to Hindi & English  


### **Additional Study Materials for Class 10 Sanskrit**

- **NCERT Exemplar (Advanced Grammar & Literature Practice)**  

- **CBSE Sample Papers & Previous Year Question Papers**  

- **Reference Books (Rachna Sagar, Saraswati, etc.)**  

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