NCERT Class 10 Social Science Full Course Video Lectures with Manojavam Classes

NCERT Class 10 Social Science Full Course Video Lectures with Manojavam Classes

Full Course Video Lectures 

**NCERT Class 10 Social Science**, there are **four books**, each covering a different subject:  

1. **History – India and the Contemporary World – II**  

2. **Geography – Contemporary India – II**  

3. **Political Science – Democratic Politics – II**  

4. **Economics – Understanding Economic Development**  

Each book has multiple chapters, exercises, and questions designed for **CBSE Board Exams**.  


## **1. History – India and the Contemporary World – II**  

- **Publisher:** NCERT  

- **Writers:** NCERT Experts  

### **Chapters & Exercises:**

1. **The Rise of Nationalism in Europe**  

2. **Nationalism in India**  

3. **The Making of a Global World**  

4. **The Age of Industrialization**  

5. **Print Culture and the Modern World**  

#### **Exercise Types:**

- Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)  

- Short Answer Questions  

- Long Answer Questions  

- Source-Based Questions  

- Map Work  


## **2. Geography – Contemporary India – II**  

- **Publisher:** NCERT  

- **Writers:** NCERT Experts  

### **Chapters & Exercises:**

1. **Resources and Development**  

2. **Forest and Wildlife Resources**  

3. **Water Resources**  

4. **Agriculture**  

5. **Minerals and Energy Resources**  

6. **Manufacturing Industries**  

7. **Lifelines of National Economy**  

#### **Exercise Types:**

- Map-Based Questions  

- Short & Long Answer Questions  

- Case Studies  

- Application-Based Questions  


## **3. Political Science – Democratic Politics – II**  

- **Publisher:** NCERT  

- **Writers:** NCERT Experts  

### **Chapters & Exercises:**

1. **Power Sharing**  

2. **Federalism**  

3. **Democracy and Diversity**  

4. **Gender, Religion, and Caste**  

5. **Popular Struggles and Movements**  

6. **Political Parties**  

7. **Outcomes of Democracy**  

8. **Challenges to Democracy**  

#### **Exercise Types:**

- Conceptual Questions  

- Case Study Questions  

- Assertion-Reasoning Questions  

- Short & Long Answer Questions  


## **4. Economics – Understanding Economic Development**  

- **Publisher:** NCERT  

- **Writers:** NCERT Experts  

### **Chapters & Exercises:**

1. **Development**  

2. **Sectors of the Indian Economy**  

3. **Money and Credit**  

4. **Globalization and the Indian Economy**  

5. **Consumer Rights**  

#### **Exercise Types:**

- Data Interpretation Questions  

- Graph-Based Questions  

- Short & Long Answer Questions  

- Case-Based Questions  


### **Additional Books & Study Materials:**

- **NCERT Exemplar (Advanced Questions & Case Studies)**  

- **CBSE Sample Papers & Previous Year Papers**  

- **Reference Books (Together With, Xam Idea, etc.)**  

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